Sunday, July 3, 2011

All Cleared Out

Brandon Waters Grading pushed all the limbs, branches, and debris outside of the driveway line, as requested. We wanted to keep as much of the branches on-site to turn into woodchips for mulching. No need to burn diesel (and money) hauling them somewhere else.

We ended up with a couple HUGE piles of tangled branches.

We needed to separate the piles into firewood sized logs and chipper sized branches.  Unfortunately, it was pretty hard to separate by hand, as the big stuff weighed down the pile and held everything together.  Then I had an idea.  We'd take my tow strap, tie it to a log in entwined in the pile, hook it to my Xterra Offroad 4x4 and pull it out.  This worked well and loosened up the pile.  This is about a 8" log:

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